Dec 13, 2009

Sculptures by artist Michael Johansson.

How much do you have your own time in a week?

Nov 28, 2009

Gramophone: so back in 2005

Few albums that have accompanied my college's first year

Enough is Enough

Beberapa minggu lalu, ngg..beberapa bulan lalu, ada teman yang membaca disini, membaca setelah "beberapa bulan" yang dimaksud saya masih meluangkan waktu bersama mad hatter minum secangkir teh. Lupa lupa inget apa yang dibilang, tapi pada intinya adalah :
Update blog lagi dong!

Tanggapan saya waktu itu "yah, pasti! pasti kok, iya, nanti.....uhuh.......mmmm............." *semangat awalnya doang* dan lupalah saya. Sebenarnya saya mau saja langsung melakukan, melesat beraksi kucing hajar mamen, tapi sayang beribu sayang absent-minded + lazyness bertandang rutin. Nampaknya ini alasan kenapa saya punya banyak draft disini. Banyak sekali celotehan - celotehan yang ingin diucapkan, tapi kadang - kadang saya lebih sering merasa itu ide buruk (geer lu, belom juga ada yang baca), membuat saya pada akhirnya menyimpan, menyimpan, dan menyimpan, dan menyimpan, dan menyimpan sampai saya lihat film ini :

Disini diceritakan Julie Powell yang hidupnya bagai Inul tanpa goyang ngebor, pekerjaan membosankan, teman beda voltase yang mungkin kalau dipaksakan dicolok bisa korslet, segala hal yang membuat dia berpikir untuk mewarnai hidupnya yang monokrom dengan mencoba memasak 524 resep masakan prancis yang dibuat Julia Child dalam waktu 1 tahun dan diabadikan dalam blog, yang lalu dipertanyakan oleh suaminya, kenapa harus 1 tahun? Karena dia harus punya tujuan, tantangan untuk mencoba semuanya dalam waktu 1 tahun, itulah ambisinya. Bagai tisereleu saya pun bertanya ke diri sendiri, dan jawaban yang didapat adalah saya masih berada di titik yang itu saja.

I have no ambition.

Tadinya saya berpikir ambisi itu hanya diperuntukan bagi orang - orang penggiat kegiatan yang tak boleh disebut namanya yang menghalalkan segala cara agar bisa naik sampai tingkat singa terbang. Itu pikiran bodoh. Siapapun harus punya ambisi. Mereka dilahirkan untuk itu. Kalau tidak punya ya silahkan minta tidak dilahirkan, itu juga kalau kamu adalah kappa. Mungkin setelah ini pandangan saya terhadap sebuah kata sifat berjudul ambisi mulai bergeser, walau tetap saya sangat tidak menyukai over-ambitious people yang senang dengan histeria dan depresi berat ketika mendapat bukan nilai ujian sempurna (baca : 80). Terlihat amat sangat tidak mensyukuri, dan egois. Correct me if i'm wrong, but I just hate it. Ayolah, jangan terlalu merasa bersalah dengan itu. Amat sangat klise, tapi nobody's perfect, you simply just can't get out of that. So, please remind me to have one just in case I forgot it.

Okey! mulai dari sini dulu, posting setidaknya seminggu satu, nampak tidak terlalu sulit, lebih banyak malah lebih baik, malu sama blog archive, pertama aja rajin, kesini sini keok.

rasarasanya kayak ngumpulin niat buat kuliah, huahahahaha.

Oct 28, 2009


Ohh how I miss to write in here.

Aug 20, 2009

Zzzipp!! It's Not Zipper

The most interesting thing today is that there's nothing I did all this day, hahaha. Final Tests I got two days before are just like revolver bullet goes through my brain. So, today I pose myself as a king, do whatever I want, haha life is just too short before my "extension term" begin in September. Because my lazy fingers strikes back (work only for clicking) these images will speak for you.

Things I love today :

This Poster
The others are great too, but in my opinion, I've seen things like that before. They even more look like one of indonesian movie, Pintu Terlarang (i'm talking about posters).

This Stuff
REALLY wanna have one of those (the right one)

This Book
I finished it in 2 hours straight! Haha I ignore my breakfast time for this book.

This MovieThey said it : "An endearing film that will bring you to tears and have you cherishing every relationship and day you have."

This Photo
Artist : Anders Lindén
I just love the mood he create in his photos, calming yet beautiful.

This Drawing
Artist : Jeana Sohn
An etsy one, huh? *sok tau

When it comes to next day, I need to find out interesting things to do for a few days ahead before I got stuck with boredom & ended up flatline.

Whatever, i'm still the king today, haha!

Aug 18, 2009

There will be no more...


Illustrations by Lily Lin

Aug 17, 2009

Reason why my world begin at night? They played good movie(s) after midnight. There's no way I could watch it between my lunchtime. sometimes afternoon are just full of shit.
Oh that is reason number 4.

Give me my xanax

Aug 16, 2009

When will it stop?

Ini beberapa uha ehe saya selama 3 hari ke belakang. Ada yang menyenangkan.... yaaa semuanya tampak menyenangkan. tampak.

1. Tugas oh tugas, saya mau mengajukan cuti. Mungkin sampai lebaran, tapi kalau kau memberi perpanjangan, saya akan sangat bersedia menerimanya, saya berencana untuk ke Bali selepas lebaran, jadi kalau bisa dpertimbangkan saya akan sangat menghargainya.

2. Bikin template baru ini sungguh oh bikin gila. Tadinya saya berniat melepas penat dari tugas yang tidak berhenti makan, ternyata malah bikin pengen terjun dari monas. Lesson learned today : hidup adalah perjuangan! (loh?)

3. Beberapa waktu yang lalu terjadi pembicaraan menarik jauh sebelum M memutuskan untuk mengunggah kegelisahan hatinya untuk teman SD-nya kepada khayalak ramai. Teman saya datang membawa majalah, yah boleh lah dibilang remaja menengah. Disitu ada beberapa model yang bergaya sangat "Melati untuk Marvel" dan saya bersama teman saya menertawai habis - habisan hal tersebut. Beberapa hari kemudian entah bagaimana saya menerima tawaran menjadi salah seorang yang akan difoto untuk mempromosikan produk yang akan mereka jual di katalog. Yak, saya menjilat ludah sendiri sekarang (tertawa kecut).

4. Ngomong - ngomong saya ga berani nonton Final Destination kenapa yah? Huahahaha maneh borangan pisan jadi jelema. Ga tau nampaknya film itu sangat dekat dengan kehidupan kita sendiri. Mungkin karena kita tidak harus menunggu Suzanna makan kerupuk satu kaleng atau Sadako keluar dari TV untuk tau bahwa kita sudah dekat dengan sang pencabut nyawa. Siapa sih yang mau meninggal gara - gara naik rollercoaster?

5. Astaghfirullah saya belum belajar buat UAS besok. Iya saya sedang mengikuti SP.

6. Saya mau tidur tapi saya dikalahkan kafein. nampaknya saya mau melanjutkan menyicil tugas saja, nyuci, ngepel, nyetrika.

7. Udah dulu ah.


Welcome to my new house! feel free to come in. Make yourself comfortable while i'm visiting all my neighbour, haha. I'll leave you guys with This. Have fun!

Speaking of house, what does home mean to you? Yeah I know it's a different word, but if you have any thoughts about it, maybe you could share with them. It's fun to know that you can have your own space with your own phrase, right?

Aug 12, 2009

Longest Month Ever

FINALLY I posted something this August. Masih ingat modem saya yang meledug? yah itu salah satu penyebab saya jarang menghubungkan diri ke dunia kedua ini, tapi yang paling menyita waktu ya apalagi kalau bukan si "Semester Pahit" yang berakhir minggu depan. Kuliahnya sih cuman 2 hari, tapi tugasnya itu ngajak ribut. I missed (lot of) my time, tapi enggak juga sih, banyak kegiatan pengalih perhatiannya, jadi ga terlalu rieut, walau emang pusing. Sebenernya saya gatel pengen posting tiap hari kesini, cuma karena keterbatasan sarana, jadilah baru sekarang beraksi kucing kembali.

Jadi ini adalah kegiatan saya 2 minggu terakhir ini (pede bener emang pada mau tau yak, haha)

July 24th 2009
Celebrated my friend's birthday. Bikin persiapannya dari pagi tapi prakna ngan 10 menit, hahaha jadi we repot sama bebersihnya.

July 29th 2009
Escape to Jakarta coret a.k.a Bekasi. Haha ini minggu terberat kuliah, tugas menumpuk, kuliah dari pagi sampai sore, yang terparah writer's block selama beberapa hari, dan itu berbahaya. So i've decided to escape from everyday life, walaupun tetap ujung-ujungnya ngerjain tugas disana, tapi setidaknya saya bisa leyeh - leyeh jungkir balik di imah sorangan. Rencananya saya tinggal selama 5 hari di (pinggiran) ibukota ini.

July 30th-31st 2009
Karena ceritanya escape week, I spend this two days for leyeh - leyeh ngerem di kamar, keluar cuma buat makan, haha kebluk pisan. Hasil ngemayat (Copyright : Tio) di hari ini cukup buat referensi beberapa minggu ke depan, haha.

August 1st 2009
Little reunion with junior high school friends. First destination is es krim ragusa gara - gara lewat monas. Tadinya niat jelajah daerah kota tapi akhirnya cuma sempet ke seperempatnya karena dengan cantiknya kena tilang di depan stasiun kota. Dengan sedikit rayuan sambel terasi akhirnya perjalanan dilanjutkan hanya ke museum BI sama Fatahillah dari niat utama (setidaknya udah maen kesitu). Reuni berakhir dengan Dinner di Sushi-Ya TIS Square Tebet. Katanya sushi disini murah, tadinya sih kepikirannya "ah, murah2 harganya ga beda jauh sama yang di toko", tapi begitu liat daftar menu+harga, langsung noraknya keluar. salmon/maguro nigiri harganya cuma Rp9.000,- , gimana ga heboh. terus sushi model - model dragon roll dkk. isi 8 potong dibanderol dari Rp16.000,- sampai Rp45.000,- (yang mahal yang ada unagi-nya) bisa makan 3 ronde seharga Sushi di mol mol terkemuka.

August 2nd 2009
Tadinya pengen liat Sore di Eastern Promises, tapi dipikir - pikir lagi, pulangnya repot (derita penduduk pinggiran), yasudah akhirnya cuma keliling - keliling kampung halaman, ke galaxy liat DVD, dan berakhir di segitiga emas Kota Bekasi, Metropolitan Mall, huahahahaha weird mall. sebagai little notes, Pusat perbelanjaan di Bekasi emang rada mistis, tempatnya deketan (bayangkan Dago Plaza, Superindo, sama Pizza Hut di Dago) tapi dengan tenant yang 80% sama.

August 3rd 2009
Kembali ke rutinitas.

August 4th - 8th 2009
Hectic College day. Bener - bener ga kemana - mana, keluar rumah cuma buat kuliah. Hardol ga pake lin, nonton gosip, DVD marathon, menyelesaikan tugas di muka biar besoknya bisa hura - hura.

August 9th 2009
D Day. Ke Java Rockin Land tapi asa lagi ke acara model2 Les Voila, kesana kesini banyak yang kenal. Saya datang hanya untuk Mew, dan enggak nyesel saya mengurungkan niat menonton Phoenix sama Cut Copy, Mew was epic! AKHIRNYA saya bertemu Shida. Tapi ketemunya pas saya lagi rada ga jelas (tampang kusut abis berdiri desek- desek, kelaperan, angin laut yang ga enak), huahahaha.

August 10th 2009
Abis sleepover di rumah yaya mingtse mengajak karoke karena freepass bentar lagi abis. Terselenggaralah Tribute to Mingtse di NAV Ciwalk.

August 11st 2009
Nonton Dying Breed Di Blitz. Cukup disturbing tapi tidak separah Manhunt (Rovdyr).

Hihihi jadi panjang gini, ah gapapa sekali - kali, probably longest month ever with longest post ever.

Oh iya, sekalian mau kabar - kabari, minggu ini ada :

Ketemu disana yah!

Jul 23, 2009

Appreciation Day

I woke up earlier this morning, haha usually woke up late when it comes to "no class @ campus" day. Honestly it's difficult to open your eyes, leaving your (maybe) sweet dream and see your real life was.... nah, I just have short sleep time every single night.

Today I fulfilled my wish, go to rumah buku, Yooyy! as I told in my previous post (which is published already now!) I'm not going there for over a month. So today I spent quite long time in there (confused to decide what to borrow), and after that, went to Setiabudhi supermarket for little grocery jogging. Then got home with tons of "misting", hahahaha....

Things I borrowed from Rumah Buku:
1. Screaming Masterpiece

2. Run Lola Run

3. Funeral Parade of Roses

Stuffs I bought from Setiabudhi supermarket:
1. 1 pack of Taco's seasoning mix
2. minced beef
3. Prego cheese sauce
4. Haan pancake mix
5. Ultra Milk
6. Cheddar Cheese popcorn

I was going to make Taco for dinner, but then I realized I still have ifumie from lunch. well, let's just keep it for tomorrow

Accompanied with good food, my appreciation day is start from now

Jul 22, 2009


(ngasih judul gambar gmana yak? heuheu)

Modem saya meledak! Bapuk pisaaann... Terpaksa posting dari hape (Thank God it's sony ericsson!) walau pendek tak apalah, yang penting ada update, hoho... Ngomong - ngomong itu yang di atas ada foto (stok foto di memori hp), iseng sama saya ditambahin macem2, jadilah seperti yang terlihat, ga jelas, haha. Euh kan isinya mulai ngelantur. Ah, that's it for now. I have a date with kanji for tomorrow's class.

Mudah - mudahan sama mangmangnya cepet dibenerin.

My soundtrack for today : Mew - Beach

Jul 19, 2009

Day With Books & Movies

I'm lack of appreciation!! I'ts been a long time I don't do things to enlighted my mind. Need to stimulate my mind into good memory because i'm an absent minded people. If i'm working on one thing, when suddenly other thing appear, I could easily forget my first work, and remember it minutes later. that's suck. So I arrange my schedule tomorrow or the day after for books & movies day. Destination? of course places that provide good books or movies. It would be nice if I could visit all of them. I'm gonna write it down here. If you have a time, go visit those place.

1. Rumah Buku (Kineruku)
Get bored with so called popular reads (teenlit, metropop, you name it)? Get your ass here immediately! located in Hegarmanah (near Setiabudi) here you can read they have unusual type of any kind b-sides (sidestream) books, movies, and music, movie room for movie screening. With 2 kind of membership (pick membership B for more books & movies) feel free to borrow everything lay in there. With cozy & peaceful environment you can read or watch while order some food or beverages from their kitchen.

2. Chelsea DVD (and so Kota Kembang, Pagarsih, and other mini DVD kiosk)
Well Piracy is a bad thing. but without piracy I would never know Lux Lisbon, Alex DeLarge, Vincent Vega, Clementine, or even Von Trapp family. There's no such thing like subtitles DVD @ Dharmawangsa square in Bandung, so it's quite difficult to find an unusual genre of movies here. If you're lucky, You can get rare director's cut cult movie which sometimes hardly find, or full complete season of The Simpsons. Ah I just love Bandung.

3. Gramedia Merdeka
this is my destination when i'm in the heart of the city but don't wanna go home yet. Gramedia is the biggest franchise bookstore in indonesia. they have complete collection of books, magazines, stationery & co. Personally I like being here, stuck at Imported book section or fictions in mezzanine floor. They have a good layout provided with stool if you're tired stand up for read unwrapped books. well if you're interested with something, you can get it with normal price of course, as long you hold the cash, but relax, there's book bazaar if you're on budget finance. Even If you're not buy anything, you can still get tahu brintikk + Tong Tji milk tea, it only cost Rp 10.000,-. A fun way to fill your mind plus stomach. teehee.

4. Periplus Bookstore
in my vision, this is the place for foreigner who wants to know everything about Indonesia. They sell imported books, and things related to Indonesia, like map, travel book, and Indonesian craft. They throw further reduction sale up to 80% regularly. I always get best deal here, fictions for only Rp5.000 - Rp40.000, who can't resist?!

5. Reading Lights
This place is secondhand bookstore. Fictions, art & design books, with half normal price, lovely. Too bad they're not selling magazines anymore. There's cafe too, and free wifi for visitor.

6. Tobucil
Tobucil sell books from not quite well known publisher. That's why you can have book that only sold in Tobucil. Even copy of book copied with xerox.

7. Zoe Comic Zone
Place for comic addict. Comic collection here are uber-complete!

All I can say is happy exploring guys!

Jul 18, 2009

Gramophone : July Issue

Before I'm off to my cubicle, I'll give you lullaby from these:

The Jesus & Mary Chain - Sometimes Always EP

Lo-Fi-Fnk - Boylife

Mew - No More Stories EP

Bjork - Selmasongs

I'm From Barcelona - Who Killed Harry Houdini?

Goodnight & Oyasumi!

Jul 17, 2009

Sometimes Life Isn't Easy

Lama sekali saya tidak mampir mampir kesini. SP + koneksi ngehe yang ternyata disebabkan oleh kucing lah alasan bang toyib ga pulang - pulang. Mulai geje. Hahaha how have you been? Entah kenapa perasaan saya lagi kayak sambel, pedesnya bikin kesel, meronta - ronta minta minum, tapi nagih, campur aduk. Plus these things I got all this day until now are succesfully ruined my mood. Shame on you silly people!

ngomong - ngomong bisik kuda, saya mau ngucapin selamat buat teman saya yang besok (lumayan banyak) diwisuda. Hoho terbawa euforia calon wisudawan, penasaran juga abis wisuda katanya bakal ada arak-arakan ke fakultas, trus diceburin apa gimana gitu, lupa. Ahh, what a life. Rasanya baru hari - hari kemaren masih jalan - jalan bareng, nangkring di bar, merayakan ulang tahun, and tomorrow's gonna be different. Saya masih tetep jadi mahasiswa, berkutat dengan SP, mengejar dosen minta bimbingan, lalu yang abis wisuda udah pada naik kelas, naik kelas hidup. They made it through a next phase of their life. Iya sih nanti juga saya lulus diwisuda. Tapi jadi kepikiran, after I made it just like them, what would I do next? Jujur saya masih bingung. Beberapa waktu lalu saya masih banyak ngehayal, abis lulus terus diwisuda, trus bekerja dengan berbagai benefit yang didapat. Cuman wew, we're entering real world. Am I capable enough? saya mungkin berpikir seperti ini karena ada beberapa gol yang belum dicapai. Judulnya mah belom siap lah. Tapi harusnya waktu bukan penghalang. Kapanpun kalau mau gol - gol itu pasti bisa tercapai. Semangat!!! Nampaknya bucket list saya bakal bertambah nanti, hehehehe.

Do you have your own bucket list?

Photos by Damien Rudd

ngomong - ngomong Indonesia menang loh lawan MU

Menang WO. Huahahahaha

Jul 9, 2009

Sayonara Umi Chan

Ah saya mau lokal hari ini, hahahaha. Setelah post - post sebelumnya berhasil saya tulis dengan (sok tapi jadinya lousy) english (maafkan!), saya mau kembali ke bahasa ibu dulu, yaitu bahasa sunda.

ribet ah, bahasa Indonesia aja deh, huahahaha labil.

2 hari ini saya sukses tidur kayak mayat, tapi bukan ngemayat kayak kata Tio. Huahaha ga ngerti juga kenapa, malah kemaren
rekor pecah dengan tidur 12 jam. Apakah ini akumulasi tidur cuma 3 jam sehari 2 minggu sebelumnya? (heuheu ada sih ceritanya, cuman masih draft) entahlah, hanya kasur yang tau.

Well, 2 malam yang lalu I had a fun night! Teman
saya dari Jepang Umi chan akan pulang ke kampung halaman sabtu ini. Jadi kemarin lusa kita mengadakan farewell party bersama "geng" BLCI. Tadinya rencananya sebelum bertemu saya niatnya cari kado dulu. Berhubung yang lain pada ga bisa soalnya ada ujian, akhirnya cari sendiri. Dengan pedenya ke PVJ soalnya yakin di Sogo ada counter Warwick Purser (nama bule tapi jual kerajinan Indonesia, aneh), waktu itu juga pernah ngasih bule oleh - oleh dari sini, dianya girang bukan kepalang. Yah pajangan - pajangan khas lokal bisa jadi buah tangan yang bermakna buat si penerima. Dengan derap langkah pasti masuklah saya ke Sogo, melewati counter Giordano, belok kiri ke tempat gelas - gelas kaca, Warwick Purser berada, tapi kok gelasnya jadi kasur? tanya - tanya ke si mbak Sogo bilangnya udah ga ada. Mulai bingung. Yasudah keliling PVJ dulu aja siapa tau ada counter gerobak2 mini di jalan yang jual yang aneh - aneh. Baru jalan sampe Nike ga ada counter gerobak hiji hiji acan. Jalannya lagi dibenerin! Liat yang di bawah ada yang jual souvenir luar negeri, ga mungkin, pasti dia udah punya (pede amat). Apa beli ke Daiso? Ngasih ke orang Jepang oleh - oleh Jepang, garing pisann. Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk pindah ke toko Setiabudhi, berhubung disana supermarket impor, pasti dia jual barang - barang khas lokal, soalnya banyak bule yang dateng kesitu. Terus rada inget di bawah ada toko ethnic craft. Dasar kepedean, udah sampe sana toko yang dimaksud sudah berganti tempat fitnes. Oh Holy Cow, nyari kemana lagii??!? Baru inget, di atas kan ada periplus, toko buku impor, dan dengan pedenya lagi berpikir, disitu pasti ada barang - barang khas lokal juga. Yossh! saya pun ke lantai atas, lewat supermarket, di counter jepang terkecoh sesaat sama diskon sushi 50%, liat dulu sebentar. Baru juga mau keluar lewat kasir,,
"Taffy, Taffy?"
Saya pun reflek menengok dan........... iya, itu Umi. Gagal maning lah saya cari kado buat dia. Akhirnya saya sama dia ke BLCI bareng - bareng, nungguin yang lagi pada ujian, baru sekitar jam 7an berangkat ke Ciwalk, ke Gokana makan ramen "food court" kalau kata Umi.

Kampai dengan botol sambel

WingWing + Marmo dengan menunya

Jadinya ngasih kalung handmade, hahahaha

Mingtse suka ga jelas

Tadinya mau lanjut makan yoghurt J.Co, tapi semua sudah kenyang sama ramen, jadinya ga jadi, and that's a wrap. Farewell party yang akrab dan hangat. We're gonna miss you!

Jul 7, 2009

Between Waking & Sleeping

I'd really like to say something now. Anything about what happened today or yesterday. But I'm too sleepy plus too lazy to write it down here, haha forgive my lazyness, should get rid of it immediately. Yeah later.

Hmm maybe I just share my On-The-Go most played playlist today, hoho. So here it goes :
1. Liebestraum (Frans Liszt) - Fantastic Plastic Machine Feat. Yashuaki Shimizu
2. Happy Where You Are - Orwell
3. Light & Day - The Polyphonic Spree
4. Well-Known Blueberry - Tutu Helvetica
5. Sad Song - Au Revoir Simone
6. Broke - Captain
7. You Get What You Give - New Radicals
8. Mamayukero+Bakumbakero - Warkop DKI

I'm looking for streaming to all tracks above (especially the last one), but I haven't found it. Maybe you could ask Mr.Google for listening room, heeeee... lazyness strikes back^^

*colored word or phrase in my post are links, you can click in there to see what's inside. Be captivate.

Jul 5, 2009

Guling Guling

Illustrations by Julia Sonmi Heglund

So So

Photos by Chantal Michel

Get bored?
Try This!

Jul 4, 2009

I Scream for Ice Cube!

After Shida posted something related with Baskin Robbins, I dream of ice cream every single time, even in my last night sleep(and I still can't believe Starbucks have its own line of Ice cream). Suddenly remembered there is a restaurant In New York City, Serendipity that serve world's most expensive ice cream called "The Grand Opulence Sundae".
Made with 5 scoops of the richest Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream infused with Madagascar vanilla and covered in 23K edible gold leaf, the sundae is drizzled with the world's most expensive chocolate, Amedei Porceleana, and covered with chunks of rare Chuao chocolate, which is from cocoa beans harvested by the Caribbean Sea on Venezuela's coast. The masterpiece is suffused with exotic candied fruits from Paris, gold dragets, truffles and Marzipan Cherries. It is topped with a tiny glass bowl of Grand Passion Caviar, an exclusive dessert caviar, made of salt-free American Golden caviar, known for its sparkling golden color. It's sweetened and infused with fresh passion fruit, orange and Armagnac. The sundae is served in a baccarat Harcourt crystal goblet with an 18K gold spoon to partake in the indulgenceserved with a petite mother of pearl spoon and topped with a gilded sugar flower by Ron Ben-Israel.
Allright, I'm gonna sell my DSLR camera for a scoop. zzzzzzz

$1000 for messy ice cream
(Nenek lo nyimeng, mending gw beli Macbook!!)

Anyway, my high school friend Rizqi Pratama tagged me in his notes. He said that his work called Lovely Basin are included in 20 finalist of Djarum Black Innovation Award, and you should VOTE for him because 10 lucky winner are willing to get Ipod nano-chromatic. Isn't that tempting? So hurry check this out!

Tiny Dancer - Elton John

William Miller : "I have to go home!"
Penny Lane : "You are home."

Jun 25, 2009


Yeahh! I'm on vacation @Kuningan just by now. Sadly internet connection are so poor in here, so I couldn't post easily.
Well, maybe it's time for me to get a life, shut down electronic devices, and meet someone.

Let's go somewhere and get lost!

Jun 22, 2009


my 3 previous post are still in draft. I'll post it A.S.A.P
Sorry for the inconvenience ^^
(trapped in college post-final exam euphoria + personal project)

"so glad," from Norfolk illustrator Gemma Corell's photostream. (website + shop)

To pocchi : Thx for tagging me! I'll do the same way in my next post, haha

Jun 18, 2009

35mm, here I come!

yesterday I did a little blogwalking and I discovered this cool blog, feel free to take a look. He's kinda plastic camera "fanatic" (i don't use "maniac" word, sounds like a pervert, hahahaha)

Swimming through his post remind me about something. Hey, I have Holga. I do actually have one of these plastic camera. I bought my holga about 8 months ago, and for the first two month it was......AMAZING. I really like the gloomy result made by this camera, and the next two month it was......well I had little problem with film develop things. Film developing works cost me more money, and that 120 type film is barely hard to find nowadays. You have to order it wayyy back before it sold out or, when you find it, buy it as much as you can. You never know when you're gonna see them again, haha okay that is too much. But that's not gonna make me stop from exploring this camera.

Popped in my mind, I should've bought action sampler or some kinda like that, so I don't have to look for that 'usually hard to find' film....... heyyyy, why don't you put 35mm film into your Holga?!! The next thing i did was visited this site to find out how to use 35mm film in Holga. Finally, I'm ready to go with my Holga again!

I hope the result are quite wonderful as result above

Jun 17, 2009

Gramophone this June

These are album that I currently listen to :

Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix by Phoenix

Hush by Asobi Seksu

Fantasies by Metric

Veckatimest by Grizzly Bear

Actor by St. Vincent

These album really made my days. Believe me, it's blissful.

and this is more juicy:
I'm happy so madly knowing that Phoenix are gonna do the showcase in Jakarta!

The showcase will be held on August 1st 2009 @ Bengkel Night Park, and you can get early bird tickets for only Rp.275.000,- (normal prices are Rp.375.000,-) only @ Aksara Stores & FFWD Records Office.
For further information check this link below:
Here! Here!